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Olatunji Adetunji

Top 10 Branding Design Agency For Nigeria Startups


Top 10 Branding Design Agency For Startup in Nigeria. Branding design agencies are found everywhere today; just on your mobile, you can get hundreds of them, but do they provide the same quality of service? No, and that is why I have invested my time to find out the top 10 branding design agencies in Nigeria that you can easily choose from. In this article, I will be discussing how you can choose the right branding agency based on the qualities that I’ve highlighted below. Moreso, it’s important to have an overview of the agencies and their industry expertise. My research is...


Olatunji Adetunji

How Digital Transformation Will Evolve Marketing Practices


How Digital Transformation Will Evolve Marketing Practices. Driven by technology developments and changing customer behaviour, the marketing scene is changing as we get towards 2024. Leading this change and redefining how companies interact with their customers and maximise their marketing plans is digital transformation. Emphasising how digital transformation will improve client experiences, increase efficiency, and allow more successful marketing methods, this paper investigates the main trends and developments that will characterise marketing practices in 2024. AI and Machine Learning:...


Olatunji Adetunji

The 4 Types Of Market Segmentation


What are the Types of Market Segmentation? Before we discuss the types of market segmentation I would like us to touch on the market analysis used to build marketing strategies, in which we have market segmentation as part of the marketing process. Now, for a business to strive against its competition in the market, there is a need to execute market analysis that focuses on the internal and external environmental factors, but in all determine the conducive market environment for a business one must execute a practical market analysis as a fundamental input to the process of strategy formulation...


Olatunji Adetunji

What is Lead Management System in Marketing


What is Lead Management System in Marketing? The Process and Facts. Lead management is a process that is systematically created or designed to aid a marketer track prospective clients or leads and nurturing them with the sole goal of converting them into customers or end users, ie paying customers of a product or service. If we are to take a definition from Wikipedia: Lead management is a set of methodologies, systems, and practices designed to generate new potential business clientele, generally operated through a variety of marketing campaigns or Now that we...


Olatunji Adetunji

How To Generate Quality Leads For Your Business.


How To Generate Leads:10-Step Lead Generation Process. Have you ever wondered how to commence your business online, after acquiring a website and putting all in place for sales activation? Yep, we all have been there before, and the best way to approach this is via the sales funnel system. So, in today's post, I will be addressing the simple step-by-step strategies you can utilize to increase, and improve the quality of your leads by targeting the right set of audiences that are more likely to make a purchase of your product or service online. What is Lead Generation? Before we...


Olatunji Adetunji

Difference Between Cost Per Lead Cost Per Acquisition


Difference Between Cost Per Lead and Cost Per Acquisition. The cost per lead is a similar term misused as cost per acquisition, this is why we have digital advertisers who want to know what is Cost per Lead (CPL) vs. Cost per Acquisition (CPA). Cost per lead (or CPL) is the total cost of generating a lead. This is in contrast to cost per acquisition (CPA), which is the total cost of acquiring one paying new customer or a closed deal. You can note that the latter is more specific on the leads that are converted as paying customers or generate sales from that lead. In most cases, Cost Per Lead...


Olatunji Adetunji

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Best Practices


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): How To Get Started. Right now, the internet has more operating across more than 271 million unique domains. That’s a nearly unfathomable number of pages competing for a finite amount of traffic, views, and clicks. If you’re getting your fair share of them, congratulations – you’re on the right path. But just getting visitors to your website isn’t enough, particularly if you’re running any type of business. No, you need to convert those visitors once they end up on your site. And you need to do this effectively and efficiently....


Olatunji Adetunji

Growth Hacking Marketing Strategy


What are Growth Hacking Techniques Used In Digital Marketing? Growth Hacking can be defined as a mix of marketing strategies or techniques used to grow a business's overall goals at a low-cost value, it is the use of both conventional and unconventional means or experiments that leads to the growth of a company. Growth hacking is not a new buzzword Growth Hacking was first coined by Sean Ellis, the founder, and CEO of GrowthHackers in 2010 — is a modern-day strategy to acquire maximum users by spending a minimum amount of money. Using growth hacking for your business marketing...


Olatunji Adetunji

How To Use Data Analytics in Digital Marketing


How To Use Data Analytics in Digital Marketing. According to researchers from MIT, “companies in the top third of their industry in the use of data-driven decision making were, on average, 5% more productive and 6% more profitable than their competitors.”, this can only be possible with the use of data science and data analytics. So, how does the use of data science and data analytics help to improve digital marketing, especially in the area of using data to make coherent-driven decisions to foster business growth in an age of data-driven marketing? But before we proceed forward...


Olatunji Adetunji

How To Use Data Science for Digital Marketing


How To Use Data Science for Digital Marketing. In this topic, we will explain the techniques used for data gathering and prediction, using those techniques to read our Google Analytics traffic data to decipher our Google Analytics web performance data easily. Both data science and data analysis are interwoven in terms of definition, quoting from Wikipedia, data science is the interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, and algorithms to extract knowledge and insights from ambiguous data, while data analysis is the systematic computational method of analyzing those...


Olatunji Adetunji

How To Write Good Engaging Content


How To Write Good Engaging Content For Blog. There are several ways to write attention-grabbing engaging content for your blog or website, especially for your social media content like Linkedin, Facebook, etc., since most of these types of social content can accommodate up to 500-word counts. You can read more on The Different Types Of Social Media Platforms The first thing you would like to consider when writing a blog or social media content is to view your article from a reader's perspective, ie, you will want to have them stick around longer and find the intriguing side...


Olatunji Adetunji

The Different Types Of Social Media Platforms


What are the Different Types of Social Media? 10 Types of Social Media Sites Online.   Social media sites are no longer the norms for socializing networking or sharing info, instead, they have metaphors into a channel for business growth and influencer growth for publicity and viral content online. Most of the time, individuals tend to get updates and news worldwide on their social platforms like Twitter, and Facebook to mention a few, and co-exist with business or company updates on sites like Linkedin. The number of social media sites online dwarfs that of search engines in comparison,...
